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Latisse is an eye drop medication, which is used in the prescription to treat glaucoma and also help to treat patients with not sufficient or short eyelashes. It is an active ingredient. Glaucoma signifies to a group of related eye conditions that all cause harm to the optic nerve that carries data from the eye to the brain. Glaucoma is related with more-than-usual pressure into the eye, which is a condition called as ocular hypertension. Glaucoma is of two main types of such as open-angle glaucoma and narrow-angle glaucoma. The "angle" in both forms signifies to the drainage angle into the eye that helps to control the outflow of the watery fluid that is time after time being formed inside the eye. If the watery fluid can enter the drainage angle, the glaucoma is known as open angle glaucoma. If the drainage angle is clogged and the watery liquid cannot spread it, the glaucoma is known as narrow-angle glaucoma. The form up of compression in the eye that is perceived in glaucoma is produced by a blockage in the draining system for the eye liquid called as aqueous humour that is formed to continue normal eye pressure. Buy Latisse online to makes the eyelashes more visible by causing additional eyelashes to grow and make them thicker, longer, and darker
This medication is used to treat patients with not enough or inadequate eyelashes. Bimatoprost makes the eyelashes more noticeable by causing more eyelashes to grow and making them longer, thicker, and darker. Bimatoprost is similar to a natural chemical in the body (prostaglandin). Bimatoprost is also used to treat glaucoma. If you are already using or are directed to use bimatoprost to treat glaucoma, be careful not to get this eyelash medication into your eyes. Getting extra bimatoprost in your eyes may make it less effective for treating glaucoma. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist for more details.
We are an authorized/licensed retailer of Latisse in Canada as we are a physician owned & directed business.
Originally developed as a glaucoma treatment, Latisse also resulted in thicker, fuller lashes. A dramatic result which made doctors take note. Today, it is used by everyone from celebrities who want to look their best in photos such as Claire Danes and Christina Hendricks, to chemotherapy patients seeking to re-grow lashes and eyebrows after treatment.
Application only takes a few seconds a day and is simple and easy to apply. Packaged with a special applicator, apply a single drop of the solution at the base of each eyelash and gently wipe away any excess. Using more than a drop per eyelash will not cause faster results.
According to the FDA and DEA, the Latisse you buy may be expired, watered down, or completely counterfeit. While the delivered bottle may look legit, you have absolutely no idea what you are getting and subsequently applying to your eyes.
It is federally illegal to buy from a fake online pharmacy. While it seems unlikely that you would have to live out a real Orange is the New Black scenario for eyelash serum, it is possible. Remember the handful of people who went to jail for downloading songs on Napster? More likely you may encounter some hefty fines for knowingly ordering illegal products, and is that really worth it for longer eyelashes?
You are giving your personal information and credit card number to a shady website that is knowingly offering a federally illegal service. Do you trust a company like that with your 3-digit security code and billing address?
The shipping costs are usually upwards of $25 and it takes weeks to get your Latisse since it is coming from overseas. Factor this into your decision.
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